Scope of Services
Service Range:
- drafting the contracts, participating in the negotiation process
- Collaterals advising
- Property law formalities advising
- Negotiations with developers and cooperatives
- Official texts of opinion
- Creating and registration of legal entities
- Corporate regular functioning practice - assemblies, executive changes, capital alterations et al.
- Drafting the regulatory provisions, resolutions and other internal administration acts
- Drafting the statutes and commercial contracts
- Mutations, mergers, splitting and winding up the legal entities
- Registration (KRS System) services
- Petitions the the insurance companies, appeals
- Court representation in communication, proprietal, obligatory insurance
- Drafting the labour contracts and internal labour legislation (labour, salary, social benefits regulations)
- Representation on the labour courts
- Labour negotiations
- Creditor/debitor representation during bankrupcy process
- Drafting the bancrupcy pledges
- Negotiations representation
- Sindic representation
- Crisis advising
- Help in proper filling of the bills
- Drafting the bill of exchange agreements
- legal representation in bills of exchange proceedings
- Negotiations on borrower's, guarantor's, debt taker's behalf
- Credit agreements and settlement negotiations
- Legal representation in courts